In this period of time, the engineering team has spent time mostly on
adding the second aggregator in addition to Plaid to cover more institutions. (eg. Fidelity) - stay tuned for the announcement soon!
making a bunch of reliability fixes to make Fina run not only fast but also smoothly.
A couple of highlights to mention:
We have trained an internal ML model to categorize your transactions importing from spreadsheet. So if you want Fina to auto categorize them, just leave the
category column
empty in the linked Spreadsheet. If you set the value to one of your Fina category, then it is not overwritten.First time loading time should be improved quite a bit - the loading time when you sign in Fina.
Guess what is coming up in the next update?
Formula: we will allow you to define and write formula for any block you put on the page. Potentially you will never think of Excel/Spreadsheet anymore after that!!